Friday, October 22, 2010

Today's Youth ...

So this time i have yet to only notice today's youth , and the impact that is on the youth im many community's. The effect's on the youth come from
  • TV
  • Rap
  • Bad role model's
It just doesnt make any sense how now of days  everything has to be deal with violence. It just doesnt seem as if anyone wants to change this at all , not in the least .
Why dont people want a change , i think the youth deserve's it .

Friday, October 15, 2010

I've Been gone

*How I feel on alot of things happening today*

I'm finially seeing how crazy and  never resting the world is , I mean i saw it before but never really grabbed it . Its seem like everything is going down hill , if it's not one thing its another. By everything thats happening some people dont even seem to notice much less care  , but as me being from the black community it really affects things.It seems as if when your a kid everything just runs smoothly and you know that when you awake in the morning your still going to have your house and clothes and everythings going to be fine but NO NO its not like that in the least. I remember when i use to think money grew on trees , but little did i know.
Everything around me's changeing and its so hard to stop those changing but in the end i have to know there not my battles to fight.
WOW gas is up so high and went its low and your tank is half way full and you say imma get guess tomorrow or later gas gone up , but it was just at a low price , UGHHHH i feel bad for those who it takes alot to fill up your tank.

 But what can i say it's life and i just have to try and leave mines the best way i can in this mixed up and hectic world.
I've learned that in life there's many lesson's to learn and even when you have grown old and tired your still learning lesson's but at the end of the day they have to all be soaked in and used in a good way or bad way, but how ever you take them, just take them all in. Its just crazy how some people cant even walk out there house with out getting shot or killed in some form or another.

It's some much crime it dont make since . i can almost say there's a jail on every corner , and i just would hate to see hows its gunna be when times moves father up in years , SMH !!!!!

Why is it that every black man who walks out in the day time gotta be doing something or gotta be blames for some stuff that they didnt do. If you a black man with a hoodie on you just robbed a bank or if you a Blackman with a nice car you stole it or you dealin drugs .

I REALLY just dont understand why is life like this why cant we change it or even make a start to change it. As for me i am one body but that one body can do alot but the fact of the matter is Am i really just one body or do others share some of my same views .
Is everything suppose to be this big jumbled up web , thats hard to get out of ????